beijing advanced innovation center for future education -ag凯发旗舰厅


who we are



executive director of aicfe
research areas: mobile learning, ubiquitous learning, regional education informatization, education informatization ecosystem, online learning platform, integration of information technology and curriculum, one-on-one digital learning.


director of subject education lab,pi of subject-based assessment and resource development
research areas: development and application of diagnosis and analysis tools for subject education, subject education theoretical and pedagogical improvement to advance students’ development in core literacy.

associate professor

director of integrated application lab
research areas: informationized teacher professional development, technology to facilitate language learning, design and development of teaching resources.

associate professor

director of learning science lab
research areas: learning space and learning activities in smart learning environment.

associate professor

director of artificial intelligence lab
research areas: big data analysis, pervasive computing, mobile computing and network.

associate professor

researcher of aicfe,vice dean of school of educational technology at bnu
research areas: theory of educational technology, integration of information technology and curriculum, informationized education and training for primary and secondary school teachers.

associate professor

researcher of aicfe,deputy director of joint laboratory for mobile learning, ministry of education-china mobile
research areas: informationized teaching applications, one-on-one digital learning, digital teacher.

associate professor

director of mental development lab,vice dean of school of educational technology at bnu
research areas: information technology in education, internet of things and its application in education, maker education.

associate professor

researcher of aicfe,deputy director of joint laboratory for mobile learning, ministry of education-china mobile
research areas: 3d virtual learning environment, virtual reality/augmented reality application in education, advanced online education platform, stem education.

deputy director of artificial intelligence lab
research areas: knowledge graph construction, data mining, learning analytics.

postdoctoral fellow of artificial intelligence lab
research areas: educational learning analytics, text mining and information extraction.

dan tao

postdoctoral fellow of learning science lab
research areas: intelligent education, collaborative knowledge building, computer-supported collaborative learning, principle-based classroom design.

yunlong huang

postdoctoral fellow of integrated application lab
research areas: chinese information processing, computational linguistics, data mining, cognitive linguistics.

postdoctoral fellow of artificial intelligence lab
research areas: educational neuroscience, multimodal data analysis and modeling.

jing liu

research assistant of integrated application lab
research areas: comparative education research on education modernization in different countries, professional development of technological and pedagogical ability of english teachers in primary and secondary schools.

jingjing cui

deputy director of learning science laboratory
research areas: blended learning, learning cell in teaching and research, integration of information technology and curriculum, mobile and ubiquitous learning, one-on-one learning.
